What does HackerNews think of jekyll-feed?

:memo: A Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your Jekyll posts

Language: Ruby

#3 in Atom
#20 in Ruby
Awesome. I was able to get this going easily enough on my jekyll-created site that uses the jekyll-feeds plugin. You just have to name the template right and it just works.


It looks like this [1] plugin [2] is supported in jekyll / GitHub pages [3].

So, it seems like adding RSS / Atom feeds on a jekyll or GitHub pages site is pretty straightforward.

1. https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed

2. https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-s...

3. https://pages.github.com/versions/

I follow many blogs, many of them of individual developers and if you're not on Wordpress or Medium (ugh), then the next common choice is a static website generator like Jekyll or equivalent.

Some of them don't have RSS feeds.

But I just contact them privately and kindly ask them to add an RSS feed.

Most of my requests had positive results, since you just need to integrate a plugin [1] or copy a pre-made atom.xml template, like one of my own [2] but any one will do.

Of course you can go down a rabbit whole in optimizing the CSS, like I usually do, until I decide that a freaking summary of those articles is enough in the RSS feed and be done with it. But that's totally optional.

And if you're doing it manually, don't forget to add a meta tag in the

of all your pages, like:

[1] https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed

[2] https://github.com/monix/monix.io/blob/master/blog/atom.xml

It should be very easy to automate RSS feed generation with any consistently laid out static site (even if it's hand written).

If you're using a SSG (I presume most are), there's things like jekyll-feed[0]

[0] https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed