I can use a 4$ VPS for my own personal cloud. I will never pay 45$ for that.

There's a whole band of people who have the technical chops to self-host, or host little instances for their family/friends/association/hiking club. This small margin where you're ok to spend a little extra because you want to make it proper, but you can't justify paying so much and spend time doing hard maintenance. A small VPS, with a shared Nextcloud or a small website, is all that's needed in many cases.

> host little instances for their family/friends/association/hiking club

For this I even use a little Raspberry Pi 400 in my bedroom.


Got an RSS feed for your new blog?

No, unfortunately I haven’t built an RSS feed for my blog. I thought RSS was dead, but I’ve noticed a resurgence lately. My blog is a big collection of markdown files these days. I don’t even run the static site generator myself, just using whatever default Jekyll magic GitHub Pages does. Maybe this is something I should get to soon.

It looks like this [1] plugin [2] is supported in jekyll / GitHub pages [3].

So, it seems like adding RSS / Atom feeds on a jekyll or GitHub pages site is pretty straightforward.

1. https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed

2. https://docs.github.com/en/pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-s...

3. https://pages.github.com/versions/