What does HackerNews think of Nuklear?

A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library

Language: C

#43 in C
> And for the right project, especially those where a predefined engine structure does not not fit, it can still be the most productive choice.

Right on. While interning at an oil refinery, I developed an application in LÖVE that processes and displays data from spectrometers. In hindsight it may not have been the wisest choice, but hand rolling all the GUI elements I couldnt force out of the Nuklear[0] bindings for LÖVE gave me a strange sense of satisfaction.

[0]: https://github.com/Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear

Hello HN, author here.

I wrote a command line version of this app several years ago but it was only recently that I decided to make a more user-friendly version when a friend grumbled about how the priority speaker function in Discord would be really useful if it supported voice activation. So I said I could probably help with that, and a few weekends later, this was the result.

It's written in C11 with just a sprinkle of C++. The UI uses Nuklear [1] with a DirectX 11 renderer.

[1] https://github.com/Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear

Like all frameworks, which are barebones libraries wrapped in opinionated organization, KDE/QT can be a lot when you need a simple UI.

I’ve used Nuklear to make simple, portable, UIs: https://github.com/Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear

Everything has trade offs; I might need to come up with my own way of handling some bit of state, but my projects aren’t big enough to need the software equivalent of a Costco.

You would be surprised at what people do with screen readers, but yes, that probably won’t work for first person shooters.

Realistically, however, even if this is only/mostly used for games (if so, why doesn’t https://github.com/Immediate-Mode-UI/Nuklear even mention the word game?), many, if not most, of them probably will be turn-based, because it’s much easier to write such games.

Also, accessibility doesn’t imply screen reader. It also includes high-contrast, larger fonts, tabbing through controls (e.g. to support users with Parkinson or motor disabilities), etc. Nowadays, a GUI library should pick up settings for those from the OS.