As usual, though, an absolute accessibility nightmare. To screen readers, this is just a black box.

Even on Web, in almost 40 years developing software, there was one single project where it did matter, the customer was part of a government organization.

Like writing secure software, until this becomes a legal requirement no matter what, it will keep being ignored by the large community of developers.

> until this becomes a legal requirement no matter what, it will keep being ignored by the large community of developers.

"no matter what"? One of the more popular uses for these immediate-mode UI toolkits is to create interfaces for video games, either debug UIs or the menus painted over the game's main scene/content. I don't think people who need a screen reader are going to be playing a twitch-reaction shooter game.

I agree that these shouldn't be used for general use applications, but I strongly disagree with the sentiment that somehow all programs should be forced to work with screen readers. Some domains and applications are primarily visual and don't really translate well to textual interaction. I think these kinds of toolkits work best with those kinds of applications.

You shouldn't use these to write the next Discord or Slack or Firefox or LibreOffice etc. -- but I don't see a problem with making a debug UI or a menu for an action video game with an immediate mode toolkit.

You would be surprised at what people do with screen readers, but yes, that probably won’t work for first person shooters.

Realistically, however, even if this is only/mostly used for games (if so, why doesn’t even mention the word game?), many, if not most, of them probably will be turn-based, because it’s much easier to write such games.

Also, accessibility doesn’t imply screen reader. It also includes high-contrast, larger fonts, tabbing through controls (e.g. to support users with Parkinson or motor disabilities), etc. Nowadays, a GUI library should pick up settings for those from the OS.