What does HackerNews think of prolog?

The only reasonable scripting engine for Go.

Language: Go

#84 in Go
#76 in Go
Other resources for logic programming and Go:

ichiban/prolog - ISO Prolog interpreter in pure Go, getting close to v1: https://github.com/ichiban/prolog

trealla-prolog/go - ISO Prolog interpreter embedded via WASM: https://github.com/trealla-prolog/go

guregu/pengine - library for interfacing with Pengines (SWI-Prolog's RPC protocol): https://github.com/guregu/pengine

biscuit-auth/biscuit-go - Biscuits are a fancy auth token with a little Datalog engine: https://github.com/biscuit-auth/biscuit-go

I'm a big fan of logic programming. We've been seeing a small resurgence of interest in it (for example Yarn using Prolog made some waves) and I have some optimism for its future.

For Go, you have prolog as a scripting engine https://github.com/ichiban/prolog
Off the top of my head:

Javascript: http://tau-prolog.org/

Java: https://apice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/view/Tuprolog/ (also SWI, Ciao and Sicstus have Java bridges)

Go: https://github.com/ichiban/prolog

Common Lisp: https://www.cliki.net/Prolog

Racket: https://docs.racket-lang.org/racklog/

Guile: https://gitlab.com/gule-log/guile-log

Erlang: https://github.com/rvirding/erlog

Also SWI and Ciao have a pretty straight forward FFI for C.