Prolog is the only language that I've ever learned that feels like magic. Of course, it's not, but it feels like that. I'm still learning it, but I feel it and the logic paradigm are underused. I wonder if it's fair to consider it constraint-based programming rather than just logic programming. I used the book Thinking as Computation to learn it (and still am), and that's what it felt like we were doing in the book: just setting up constraints for the program to run through and find matches for the constraints.

It's criminally underused, and it's a weird blind spot for software developers to have. My input on this is that our primary working tool, a programming language, is so powerful and wide that (within the limits of computability) it can literally do anything; therefore we are less likely to question the paradigm or look for a different one, even when it would be more suited to the problem at hand.

Prolog is a deep language and can teach so you a lot. The main problem is that any prolog program bigger than, say, a thousand lines of code become difficult to debug and understand. There are ways to make things better e.g. avoid impure prolog etc. but it is still problematic.

Engineers are always looking for technologies to hop onto. Prolog is niche for a reason: I don’t think Prolog scales. In some ways it is too flexible and powerful.

Are there any Prolog scripting engines or embeddable runtimes? It feels like the kind of thing where you might use it to solve a small part of your problem domain and leave the rest to a conventional language.

Off the top of my head:


Java: (also SWI, Ciao and Sicstus have Java bridges)


Common Lisp:




Also SWI and Ciao have a pretty straight forward FFI for C.