What does HackerNews think of healthchecks?

A cron monitoring tool written in Python & Django

Language: Python

#8 in Django
#13 in Monitoring
healthchecks.io is a great service (and apparently can be self-hosted - https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks) that I use for both personal projects and at work.

It works really well for cron jobs - while it works with a single call, you can also call a /start and finished endpoint and get extra insights such as runtime for your jobs.

It would be nice if it had slightly more complex alerting rules available - for example, a "this service should run successfully at least once every X hours, but is fine to fail multiple times otherwise" type alert.

We wanted to use it for monitoring some periodic downloads (like downloading partners' reports), and the expectation is the call will often time out or fail or have no data to download, which is technically a "failure", but only if it goes on for more than a day. Since healtchecks.io doesn't really support this, we ended up writing our own "stale data" monitoring logic and alerting inside the downloader, and just use healtchecks.io to monitor the script not crashing.

Price? And what's your differentiator from the free open-source https://github.com/healthchecks/healthchecks