What does HackerNews think of headway?

Self-hostable maps stack, powered by OpenStreetMap.

Language: Vue

You might want to peek at https://github.com/headwaymaps/headway . I have never used it myself, but it at least shows how to integrate the different pieces.

The individual software components often have alternative with a similar scope. So if you don't like a choice headwaymaps made, browse around.

The data sources are mostly "unique", i.e. everybody downloads from the pages (Geofabrik, Who's On First, etc), so not much to gain here.

Editing styles has some alternatives, but the OpenSource editors are far away from the quality of the Mapbox editor. Maputnik or editing the 1000+ SLOC JSON by hand are the way to go, imo.

Personally I use GeoFabrik to download OSM extracts → osmconvert to extract the smaller bounding box I am interested in → tilemaker to render vector tiles to individual .pbf files I can serve like it's 1999. The bounding box extract is not necessary, but it's much faster if you need to tweak things in tilemaker. Both tilemaker and osmconvert are packaged for at least Debian out of the box, so setup is easy enough. Rendering a decently sized metro area takes < 30mins with this from scratch of compute, < 5min with the bounding box extract.

Note that adding icons (sprites) or fonts is extra work that comes on top. And while the tools themselves are great, there's still a lot of gluing/plumbing/fitting things together that you'll need to do. If headwaymaps works for you, it's probably the easiest choice.

Headway (https://github.com/headwaymaps/headway), a free and open mapping platform, has some new functionality to enable transit directions on planet scale instances. maps.earth is our planet scale demonstration site.

I posted here both to advertise the new feature for people who might interested in using it, but also in hopes of getting feedback on the approach from people who are familiar with the space.

In a similar vain, there is maps.earth / headway. Aiming to be easy to self-host and very open to contributions.




OK, the GitHub page spells it out better [0].

> Self-hostable maps stack, powered by OpenStreetMap.

In addition to listing out some of the required specs (for a localized area) [1]:

> ... generation ... needs ... 8GB of memory ... running ... around 4GB ...

> ... recommend ... 50GB ... disk space

[0] https://github.com/headwaymaps/headway

[1] https://github.com/headwaymaps/headway#system-requirements

It's a new project and a review feature is most likely not on the short-term or even mid-term horizon (as implementing it in a decentralized manner is nontrivial) but it could be nice if you fleshed out a more detailed feature request over at https://github.com/headwaymaps/headway/ - it checks your other boxes.