What does HackerNews think of open-traffic-collection?

Collection of open data resources for traffic information

If you lack the source data you might get them from official feeds. A few years ago I started to collect them: https://github.com/graphhopper/open-traffic-collection
https://github.com/graphhopper/open-traffic-collection may be of help.

I would think it would be a challenge to get useful data from such a source even if resolution were high enough. That nice low traffic road may have been photographed in the weekend, outside traffic hours, on a national holiday, because of a road black a kilometer away, etc.

cool open data! (I used it as an answer here: https://opendata.stackexchange.com/q/1767/1511)

for other traffic related datasets, check out this list: https://github.com/graphhopper/open-traffic-collection

and for "borrowing" the live data from TomTom, check out this mini tweet thread (from me): https://twitter.com/philshem/status/1241739025624567813

That would be great. It looks like the graphhopper project (another OpenStreetMap-based routing service) have done some research there:


If they have their own fleet they can generate their own (historic) traffic data e.g. via Map Matching and use an open source routing engine like GraphHopper with OpenStreetMap data. (disclaimer: I'm one of the developers of GraphHopper.)

It is unclear to me whether their current practice is in harmony with the Google Maps TOS. For some places there are also open traffic data sources: https://github.com/graphhopper/open-traffic-collection

I doubt that traffic data was their main issue ... but anyway ... yes, traffic data is a difficult topic. And yes, the state of open traffic data is bad:


But no, although Google and Apple (and also Mapbox!) do not give a away their traffic data, there are still three sources for world wide traffic data:

TomTom, HERE and inrix. All acquire their data via external software companies or automotive companies (or whatever) including their measurement units into their products.

Mapzen was starting their open traffic data project and so we at Graphhopper were hoping they would solve this issue in the next years, but now, obviously they won't:

