What does HackerNews think of loki?

Like Prometheus, but for logs.

Language: Go

#41 in Hacktoberfest
> Is there an open source version of splunk I can modify?

https://github.com/grafana/loki might work for you. It’s not a drop in replacement for Splunk, FWIW.

Promtail/Loki https://github.com/grafana/loki is an alternative to elk, but while it seems more lightweight, it definitely is less featureful. The integration with grafana/prometheus seems nice, but I've only toyed with it, not used in production.
> The reason people use it is that nothing else exists.

Maybe https://github.com/grafana/loki , but haven't yet tried it.

(Or https://github.com/phaistos-networks/TANK ..?)

> I think a better strategy is to store logs in flat files with several replicas

Agreed. We just used beats + logstash and put the files into Ceph.

> x-request-id and maybe a trigram index of messages, and actually be able to debug full request cycles in a handful of milliseconds when necessary.

Yes, yes, yes. That would be great.

One project worth keeping an eye on is Loki (https://github.com/grafana/loki), which eschews full text search for more basic indexing off of "labels", ie it works a lot like prometheus.

There's a writeup on the differences with the EFK stack here: https://github.com/grafana/loki/blob/master/docs/overview/co...

After working with a client for multiple years continually hitting bottlenecks and complexity with the EFK stack, I'm really looking forward to something different.

We love JSON logs and previously just sent most of it to systemd's journald and use a custom tool to view them. But maybe a year ago Grafana released https://github.com/grafana/loki and we've been using it on https://oya.to/ ever since.

IIRC, the recommended way to integrate it with Grafana is via promtail but we weren't too keen on the added complexity of yet-another service in the middle so we developed a custom client library in Go to just send the logs straight to Loki (which we should probably open source at some point).

I don't think there's any fancy graph integration yet, but the Grafana explore tab with log level/severity and label filtering works well enough esp. since they introduced support for pretty printed JSON log payloads.

Not sure sonic is a replacement for Elasticsearch in terms of ELK as "Sonic is an identifier index, rather than a document index; when queried, it returns IDs that can then be used to refer to the matched documents in an external database", i.e. you will have to either find a way to resolve your ids back to the original documents (which may be difficult in case you have logs rotation, retention etc.) or in addition to Sonic store the docs somewhere else.

There's also Loki - https://github.com/grafana/loki which integrates with Grafana natively which may be the Kibana replacement you're looking for.

You might take a look at https://github.com/grafana/loki if you haven’t seen it yet for logs. It’s still really new but it’s been working for me great.
https://github.com/grafana/loki is very promising in this space. Dead-easy to run.
Log volume can easily exceed reasonable memory sizes. Even a small company can generate TBs of logs each month. Having a single box with TBs of memory wouldn't be desirable.

For logs without full indexing, Loki (https://github.com/grafana/loki) is a recent entry into the space, and it probably a good option to look at. It indexes metadata (labels), so it allows searching by labels but not full text. It is also supposed to be horizontally-scalable, which is probably something you want in a log storage solution.