On my home server (refurbished ThinkPad X201 with a Core i5-520M, 8GB of memory, 1TB internal SSD sync'd nightly to an external 1TB HDD) I run a single-node Kubernetes cluster with the following stuff:

* MinIO: for access to my storage over the S3 API, I use it with restic for device backups and to share files with friends and family

* CoreDNS: DNS cache with blacklisted domains (like Pihole), gives DNS-over-TLS to the home network and to my phone when I'm outside

* A backup of my S3-hosted sites, just in case (bejarano.io, blog.bejarano.io, mta-sts.bejarano.io and prefers-color-scheme.bejarano.io)

* https://ideas.bejarano.io, a simple "pick-one-at-random" site for 20,000 startup ideas (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21112345)

* MediaWiki instance for systems administration stuff

* An internal (only accessible from my home network) picture gallery for family pictures

* TeamSpeak server

* Cron jobs: dynamic DNS, updating the domain blacklist nightly, recursively checking my websites for broken links, keeping an eye on any new release of a bunch of software packages I use

* Prometheus stack + a bunch of exporters for all the stuff above

* IPsec/L2TP VPN for remote access to internal services (picture gallery and Prometheus)

* And a bunch of internal Kubernetes stuff for monitoring and such

I still have to figure out log aggregation (probably going to use fluentd), I want to add some web-based automation framework like NodeRED or n8n.io for random stuff. I'd also like to host some password manager but I still have to study that.

I also plan on rewriting wormhol.org into supporting any S3 backend, so that I can bind it's storage with MinIO.

And finally, I'd like to move off single-disk storage and get a decent RAID solution to provide NFS for my cluster, as well as a couple more nodes to add redundancy and more compute.

Edit: formatting.

You might take a look at https://github.com/grafana/loki if you haven’t seen it yet for logs. It’s still really new but it’s been working for me great.