Or see also: https://medium.com/code-zen/why-i-don-t-use-go-web-framework... (or any of the dozens of blogs of people indicating why you dont need a framework for go)
I like how go-kit's transport not just JSON and HTTP (e.g. gRPC and protobufs are supported).
You can get a lot of boilerplate out of the box, and it's not hard to extend it with more sophisticated features like custom server timeouts.
The New York Times has a nice set of Go microservice frameworks with simple server boilerplate also:
Web glue frequently recommended around here:
Github pages like https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go have become a good starting point for finding interesting projects.
Really nice interface for adding tracing, middleware/finalizer logging/metrics, circuit-breakers, etc to your application.
https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx https://github.com/go-kit/kit