Hi, author here. I built Micro based on my experience at Google and Hailo. At Hailo we built a global microservices platform with over 200 bespoke services in production by the time I left. I realised that more and more people were tackling the problem of scale both technically and as an organisation. I felt like the tools were lacking and most companies end up building their own from scratch. Micro was a way of creating a foundation for writing and running distributed systems. It's a pluggable architecture so that the underlying systems can be swapped out based on preference.

Beyond Micro, I'm working on go-platform https://github.com/micro/go-platform which addresses the higher level needs for microservices. Auth, monitoring, metrics, distributed tracing, etc, etc. Again pluggable like Micro. Still in it's infancy.

Cheers Asim

Why did you decide to create micro and go-platform instead of contributing to go-kit (https://github.com/go-kit/kit)?