What does HackerNews think of gitbook?

📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown

Language: JavaScript

GitBook hasn't been open source since October 2018 (https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook) and software is judged by its most recent version. GitBook in its current form is a proprietary web service. The October 2018 version is open source, but it's also abandonware.

VSCodium does exclude the proprietary features of Visual Studio Code, but I don't see how that should disqualify VSCodium from being open source. (I use VSCodium frequently and I am satisfied with its feature set, so I strongly disagree with your claim that it is not usable in a useful manner.) VSCodium is also maintained by a community that is not sponsored by Microsoft, so I don't think it's fair to say that it is intentionally designed to be inferior to Visual Studio Code. We both agree that Visual Studio Code is not open source.

Elasticsearch (Elastic License, Server Side Public License) and HashiCorp (Business Source License) have adopted licenses that do not provide the four freedoms, and the software licensed in that way is not open source.

Three recommendations.

For general static website needs, just use Hugo


For API documentation I recommend Slate. Nice three column layout which allows you to include code/curl examples for multiple languages with tabs in column three. Works great, can be dockerized easily.


Finally, for general user guide documentation, I like legacy Gitbook. Super simple and trivially produces a nice web based ebook from Markdown files. Don't let the deprecated warning put you off, it works just fine and the code is not going anywhere.


Between the three of them you can have a simple nicely formatted static doc site up very quickly.

Neutrino, a project for building JavaScript applications, using a JavaScript project as its documentation? Scandalous! ;)

Anyway, we're using gitbook to render our documentation content:


The documentation also lives in the GitHub repository, albeit not as navigable as the website:


actually teaching the content to people helped me the most.

gitbook is awesome and free. https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook

blog a lot and start making a list of subscribers yesterday.

All books are stored as git repositories so you get branching, history, etc ... out of the box.

We have great GitHub integration because it's the main Git host out there, we store git repos too.

If we shutdown, our toolchain and book format is already open source (https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook), so no matter what you'll always be able to use that to build your book locally. Secondly our Desktop Editor (https://www.gitbook.com/editor) works offline so you could even continue to use that. And well since your book is a git repo, you can have a local copy, a copy on GitHub or any other git server of your choice. So I think you should be good :)

We don't believe in vendor lock, we're big supporters of open-source and we want users to use our tools and platform not because they're obliged to, but simply because it's the best workflow/product for them.

Does that make sense ?