A couple questions:

Your website talks about GitHub. Is it specific to GitHub or does it work with any Git repository?

What if you shut down? How do I continue to produce my book/paper?

All books are stored as git repositories so you get branching, history, etc ... out of the box.

We have great GitHub integration because it's the main Git host out there, we store git repos too.

If we shutdown, our toolchain and book format is already open source (https://github.com/GitbookIO/gitbook), so no matter what you'll always be able to use that to build your book locally. Secondly our Desktop Editor (https://www.gitbook.com/editor) works offline so you could even continue to use that. And well since your book is a git repo, you can have a local copy, a copy on GitHub or any other git server of your choice. So I think you should be good :)

We don't believe in vendor lock, we're big supporters of open-source and we want users to use our tools and platform not because they're obliged to, but simply because it's the best workflow/product for them.

Does that make sense ?