What does HackerNews think of gin?

Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Language: Go

#10 in Framework
#42 in Go
#8 in Server
That's not a problem with Go, it's a problem with frameworks: they give you some abstractions, e.g. the Laravel query builder, but they don't cover all the use cases, so you quickly find yourself using "raw" queries anyway.

There are some well-established web frameworks for Go (e.g. https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin), but they are controversial too, as most Go developers seem to prefer libraries (that your code calls) instead of frameworks (that call your code and impose their structure upon it). So I don't think just cramming a framework from a completely different language into Go will fly...

Yep, I'm a PHP dev and often do simple JS/jQuery to support my backend code. I have a very general interest in data science and embedded programming, meaning one day I might start doing something with them, but for now, I'm interested in those languages for web development. The following frameworks were especially interesting

Go: https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin

Rust: https://rocket.rs/

Julia: https://genieframework.com/

This looks almost identical to Gin https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin

Gin has 1000s of production users right now. Please evaluate carefully before choosing one or the other.

To be fair -- the docs for ZFS via the manpage are great but I found a lot of help also from forums of likeminded folks -- ServeTheHome (https://servethehome.com) is where I got hooked.

And then there are countless GitHub projects where the README.md file, which is usually first thing I read, that is super well documented and written for the noob (imo). The best example of that so far, especially for someone like me just getting started with the framework, is the gin Golang http framework: (https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin) -- that readme is full of useful examples.

I have no idea where all this salt comes from about go advocates, but there are plenty of Rails-likes in Go that are accepted and used by the community. Buffalo is probably the most Rails-ish (from a glance, I've not use Rails extensively), and it's maintained/advocated for by folks who have long been pillars of the community. Martini was effectively replaced by Gin (https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin), which is still heavily used.