Oh, nice: props for including precise, fully worked example commands to actually use this. This is so helpful in terms of onboarding and being able to actually get people to use a project:)
If I was an eccentric billionaire, I'd reward good documentation with an open source doc prize.
It's so difficult to impress upon some people just important documentation is. And when they do it, they half-ass it by copying stuff from source code and not adding any context.
+100 to this. I’ve become a cheerleader for some projects just because the documentation was so good that it was easy to get started. It’s how I became a ZFS zealot among other things.
OT: where do you find the good ZFS documentation? Googling always seems to turn up Oracle's documentation, which may not match what's in FreeBSD or ZFS-on-Linux
And then there are countless GitHub projects where the README.md file, which is usually first thing I read, that is super well documented and written for the noob (imo). The best example of that so far, especially for someone like me just getting started with the framework, is the gin Golang http framework: (https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin) -- that readme is full of useful examples.