What does HackerNews think of kotlin-language-server?

Kotlin code completion, linting and more for any editor/IDE using the Language Server Protocol

Language: Kotlin

#4 in Atom
#7 in Kotlin
#3 in PHP
Does the LSP implementation [1] linked by the JetBrains employee in that thread not work? It pushed a new minor version release a little over a week ago.

It seems pretty reasonable to me for them to not pay employee salaries to build a plugin for a competing product, especially when they already provide a comprehensive IDE solution available for free (in both senses). What other companies are doing that? I don't mean that as a challenge. I'd love to know what the better options are.

[1] -- https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server

This is why it's worth contributing to your language's LSP server[0] and why I encourage every Kotlin dev I see to contribute to Kotlin's[1].

I personally find IDEs are way too complex and cluttered for my personal tastes. To boot, a code editor allows for unified workflows across a broad swathe of languages in ways that IDEs simply can't replicate. It's a pity Jetbrains has long held a dismissive attitude[2] toward developers that don't want a full blown IDE, but that's what you get when there are financial incentives attached.

[0]: https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/

[1]: https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server

[2]: https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/any-plan-for-supporting-lan...