I'd be more interested if there was VSCode support. The JetBrains folks response was ridiculous and dismissive: https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/t/official-support-for-visual...

Apparently they refuse to support the most popular web IDE because Kotlin for JS is really about selling IDEA licenses. Fair enough, but it means I don't suggest Kotlin for anything except as a Java alternative and Android.

There's better options from companies that are less adversarial to their community.

Does the LSP implementation [1] linked by the JetBrains employee in that thread not work? It pushed a new minor version release a little over a week ago.

It seems pretty reasonable to me for them to not pay employee salaries to build a plugin for a competing product, especially when they already provide a comprehensive IDE solution available for free (in both senses). What other companies are doing that? I don't mean that as a challenge. I'd love to know what the better options are.

[1] -- https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server