What does HackerNews think of Force-Paste?

Paste text even when not allowed (password dialogs etc) in macOS

Language: Shell

#83 in macOS
#38 in Shell
Force pasting is something that is unfortunately required in many places, not just the browser. For example a Citrix session where the Citrix admin decided that pasting was a security risk and hence blocked it. Or some very poorly written apps.

For all of these I use an apple script that emulates typing one letter at a time, with a small delay because Citrix can't deal with typing which is too fast.

It's based on Force Paste: https://github.com/EugeneDae/Force-Paste

I invoke it with a shortcut (Alfred on macOS for example) and it's a life saver multiple times a day. Weirdly satisfying to watch happening =)

On macOS I use https://github.com/EugeneDae/Force-Paste to get around this. It uses virtual keyboard to type in the text from your clipboard. Also helpful for using the password in programs that don't allow paste.
The single most annoying thing in OSX IMHO. However this little script solves the problem: https://github.com/EugeneDae/Force-Paste