Three bookmarklets I made for my bookmarks toolbar:

"Don't mess with paste" - for when signup forms expect you to hand-type your email address twice. javascript:void ["contextmenu","copy","paste","selectstart"].map(e=>document.addEventListener(e,e=>e.stopPropagation(),true))

"Nebula no-alt-#" - Nebula's video viewer annoying captures e.g. alt-3 to do the same as plain 3 (seek to 3/10 of the video currently playing), but I expect it to switch to the 3rd browser tab instead. YouTube doesn't do this. Luckily I can just activate this bookmarklet: javascript:void document.addEventListener("keydown",(e)=>void(e.altKey&&!isNaN(+e.key)&&e.stopPropagation()))

"canvas DL" - when playing and someone has made a nice drawing, this lets you download the current drawing as a PNG. javascript:var w=window.wdq||(window.wdq=document.createElement("a"));var p=/The word was '([^']*)'/g,pp=/([^<>]+) is drawing now!/g,tt=document.body.innerHTML;var mm,nn,xx;while(mm=p.exec(tt))nn=mm;while(mm=pp.exec(tt))xx=mm;"_"+(nn?nn[1]+"_":"")+(xx?xx[1]+"_":"")+new Date().toISOString().replace(/:/g,"_");w.href=document.querySelector("canvas").toDataURL();;

Force pasting is something that is unfortunately required in many places, not just the browser. For example a Citrix session where the Citrix admin decided that pasting was a security risk and hence blocked it. Or some very poorly written apps.

For all of these I use an apple script that emulates typing one letter at a time, with a small delay because Citrix can't deal with typing which is too fast.

It's based on Force Paste:

I invoke it with a shortcut (Alfred on macOS for example) and it's a life saver multiple times a day. Weirdly satisfying to watch happening =)