What does HackerNews think of git-of-theseus?

Analyze how a Git repo grows over time

Language: Python

#164 in Python
> What's the average lifespan of a line of kernel code?

There's a fun tool called "Git of Theseus" which can answer this question! You can see some graphs of Linux code on the web page: https://github.com/erikbern/git-of-theseus

Named after the Ship of Theseus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus

Prioritization is not that straightforward. Every open source project has different sub-groups with different goals. While we do care a ton about generated code, there is also movement by other folks to work on the compiler speed problem. It has been a lot of work to come this far, and it will be even more work to get to a better place, but that work is underway. That's not even to mention that since rustc is written in Rust, work to make generated code faster can also make the compiler faster.

I'm referring to the rust-analyzer work, which is effectively an outside-in re-write of the compiler, if you squint at it right.

At the end of the day, rustc is a very large codebase, and has already undergone major architectural changes, and will be undergoing even more. It is not fast to steer a large ship in a new direction, but that is what is happening.

See https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENC1ls6XYAEdKkv?format=jpg&name=... for a time I ran https://github.com/erikbern/git-of-theseus on the rustc codebase. Thank goodness Rust is such a good refactoring language.