What does HackerNews think of ergo?

A modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go.

Language: Go

#10 in Server
I set one up on my basement server when the pandemic hit for my church, since Zoom's free meetings were limited to 45 minutes. I was able to allow Jitsi to run as a web app on phones, but people complained that it ate through their batteries fast and caused them to get hot. They went back to meeting in person outdoors, and didn't need it. I turned it off after about a month, and haven't needed to look into it again.

IRC + Jitsi could work for a lot of people, but there's still enough trust in big centralized platforms for people to be satisfied with them.




I originally thought this had something to due with the IRCd written in Go also named Ergo https://github.com/ergochat/ergo
Here are my biased recommendations ;-)

a. Ergo [1] as the server for a greenfield setup

b. Gamja [2] and Goguma [3] ) as clients

c. Soju [4] as a bouncer for non-Ergo networks

[1] https://github.com/ergochat/ergo [2] https://sr.ht/~emersion/gamja/ [3] https://sr.ht/~emersion/goguma/ [4] https://sr.ht/~emersion/soju/

You might like Ergo, which has a built-in bouncer that supports playback and channel relays out of the box: https://github.com/ergochat/ergo
You might wanna check it out. Things like code quotes and expand/collapse would be cool to add to an IRC client. I think some clients already support emoji as it's just UTF8?

It's common for IRC users to use IRC from a terminal client on their desktop. If they have a remote server they'll ssh into a box and use their terminal client there. They'd also use a screen session to keep their IRC client running 24/7 so they can keep receiving messages. Or they'll keep an eggdrop bot on a server somewhere, which is basically a sorta IRC proxy that they connect to from any IRC client and can keep their user online in the background.

Here's some stuff on IRC: https://github.com/ircdocs/modern-irc | https://ircv3.net/ | https://wiki.wireshark.org/IRC

Looks like there's some discord<->IRC gateways: https://github.com/sjwhitak/discord-irc-matrix https://github.com/qaisjp/go-discord-irc https://discordrc.com/

Here's some IRC stuff in Go: https://github.com/khlieng/dispatch https://github.com/ergochat/ergo https://github.com/go-irc/irc https://github.com/search?q=go+irc