Am I the only person that doesn't want IRCv3? I don't find the new features important or compelling (telling others when I am typing is creepy!) and I see v3's rise as only leading to some sort of schism.

Don't worry, at the speed at which IRCv3 is being implemented we won't see the effects on real-world servers for another 20 years anyway :P

I know I exaggerate but I'm sure that traditional IRC clients will be supported for a long time to come as a fallback.

Personally I'd like some mod cons, like the server keeping state and not needing a bouncer. Server side scrollback would be another one.

However I'm not sure if these are in the standard. Not a fan of the typing indicator either.

You might like Ergo, which has a built-in bouncer that supports playback and channel relays out of the box: