What does HackerNews think of FizzBuzzEnterpris?

> In regards to third party dependencies I agree with what Uncle Bob says, which is to keep them as far away from your stuff as possible. Only introduce a hard dependency if you have to. ... For example I can exchange the DI framework for the whole project in a matter of days if need be.

Game engines aside, this is a very late 90s/early 00s philosophy that has really not stood the test of time. The code that strictly follows this principle ends up looking like Enterprise FizzBuzz[0]. Trying to do this results usually in a lot of time spent building an abstraction layer around one thing, and that one thing not actually being replaceable because it was only ever built or tested with that one thing, so trying to replace Thing One with Thing Two is even more work as you now have to rip out both Thing One and adjust or remove the abstraction layer around it.

Abstractions aren't free, and the more complex the library you're trying to abstract, the more expensive they are.

There's nuances to this of course -- it's a lot easier to write a custom wrapper around a logging library than a DI framework, for example. But in general if you're using a third party library, things end up cleaner if you just commit to it rather than write an abstraction layer.

[0] https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...


I'll answer your question with a question: Have you seen https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris... ? :)

I'm guess that to those of us who remember when Java came out, "FizzBuzz: EE" is what we think of when we think of Java. :P

In Java I have to type a bazillion characters to get anything done! And make all these useless directories and files and InterfaceClassFactoryProtocolStreamingSerializer BS. And worry about how that executes.

C++? No bloat*, just speed

*Yes, there's some _optional_ bloat. But compared to Java? no contest.

There’s a difference between complexity that’s inherent to the problem, and complexity that’s added by developers who have drunk architectural cool aid.

This is an example where all of the complexity is caused by rigid adherence to the most popular architectural patterns of about 10 years ago.


It looks completely ridiculous to modern eyes, but during peak OOP it was just how you should do it.

If you like simplicity then your fizz buzz implementation would be a few lines.

It is relatively rare, but software itself (not just the resulting program, such as "a game") can be art. Most examples of this focus on using code to communicate something humorous about the culture surrounding software. I cite FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition [0] as a notable example. There's also code poetry, which encompasses quite a bit more than just humor.

[0]: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...

Looking at the C# poker, it amuses me that you end up closer to Enterprise FizzBuzz(1) than the basic game.

(1) https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...

I _think_ the idea is thinking of an "interface" as "something that you use as a way to interact with something from outside an abstraction". I'd summarize their argument as reasoning that if the goal of an abstraction is to avoid having to care about the internal details of something, an interface is a way to expose a subset of ways to interact with it, and the more you expand it, the more it exposes the internals of the thing being abstracted. I don't think they necessarily mean this only in terms of programming, but you could apply this argument to a programming language interface; if you use an interface for interacting with something instead of its direct functionality, each additional method you add to the interface exposes more details of the inner value, which makes it less of an abstraction.

Assuming my interpretation is correct, I'm not sure I totally buy this argument because there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to define the "size" of an interface where it holds true. The naive way to define the size would be number of methods, but I'd argue that methods can vary so much in terms of the amount of cognitive overhead they "expose" to the user that it's not very meaningful. Consider the Movfuscator compiler[0], which compiles code into binaries only using MOV x86 instructions because it happens to be Turing complete; as complex as it might be to learn x86 assembly as a whole and start writing programs directly in it, I'm dubious that trying to do so only with MOV would somehow be easier. Put another way, an x86 instruction set that only contains the MOV instruction is not a "stronger" abstraction than the actual one because it _introduces_ complexity that doesn't exist in the original. Does adding an ADD instruction alongside MOV increase the strength of the abstraction, or weaken it? I don't think there's an answer that we'd immediately all agree on for this sort of thing.

Ultimately, I think trying to measure interfaces through the number of methods they expose is similar to trying to measure code by the number of lines in it; while there are some extreme cases where we'd likely all agree (e.g. for a fizzbuzz implementation, having 10 lines of code is probably better than thousands of lines of code[1]), we can't really come up with a good objective metric because the "target" number is based on the complexity of what you're trying to define, and we don't have a way of quantifying that complexity. I think the ideas here are still super interesting though, not because they have definitive right or wrong answers, but because thinking about stuff like this overall improves one's ability to write good software for usage by other programmers.

[0]: https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator [1]: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...

It does matter because what constitutes good code for some people is often terrible code for others, to the point of people making jokes about it [1].

With food, at least there is a wider agreement of what consists of good and bad.

[1] https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...

Calling LLM API is just 2 line of code. Building LLM App is just API Calling. LangChain is a framework for sequential api calling, warpping 2 lines of code with 2 thousand lines of code, also wrapping python While loop in chain object. It's like: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...
Looks like the FactoryFactoryFactory was proposed but a PR wasn't ever created sadly: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpris...