What does HackerNews think of Shirt-without-Stripes?

State of AI

Language: Shell

This reminded me of https://github.com/elsamuko/Shirt-without-Stripes

Whose days may be soon over as gpt4 gets this overall right..? As noted by many folks here

Can chatGPT understand negations? Then it would already be an improvement to existing SOTA of search engines:


Our brain literally wants us to believe that a pen can pass through a window [1] (3:00). Ants, as a collective intelligence, are tricked by the Müller-Lyer illusion [2] [3].

Digital software is merely entering a realm of algorithmic (d)efficiency at least as old as biology, morphogenetic software: so long, be gone abstract truth table resilience unable to detect a shirt without stripes [4], welcome gradient exploration and error minimization able to give the synthetic mind, which, similarly to the carbon-based mind, will make ridiculous errors, just look at a child failing to walk [5].

[1] Ames Window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KrpZMNEDOY

[2] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259354882_The_Mulle...

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCller-Lyer_illusion

[4] https://github.com/elsamuko/Shirt-without-Stripes

[5] https://media.tenor.com/uB5ijGdseFwAAAAC/stumble-haha.gif

Honorable mention even if he doesn't use Actions: https://github.com/elsamuko/Shirt-without-Stripes
> most of the fruit is still on the tree

Case in point: image search for "shirt without stripes":


HN comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22925087

Unfortunately, Google Search (and Amazon and MS search and all three companies' assistants) doesn't work that well when it comes to selling you what you want to buy either:


But it sure can identify stripes.


How do we classify the 127 hours is a movie or a time value?

Reminds me of the "Shirts without stripes"


Edit: Removing that space between 127 and hours somehow makes it work. "how long is 127hours"