We have also been watching these machine learning models for 6 months:

- increase the volatility in virtually every financial market they touched

- be exploited by adversarial learning networks to amplify funded propaganda as news

- use poorly contrived sentiment analysis to generate incomprehensibly meaningless news headlines

These non-linear "function approximators" have absolutely unpredictable and insane non-linear behavior where learned information was non-existent or sparse.

God help us all if one of these artificial intelligence devices is driving the road and sees a red stop sign that is a square, rather than a hexagon.

This is so strange. If you use facebook, google, netflix, apple, microsoft, amazon or a whole host of other services you are interfacing with AI all the time. To think there’s no value there is asinine. Comes up a lot on HN. Seems like people set in their ways who don’t want to progress forward.

oh yeah, magnificient AI at Google search. Picked up my ebook-reader again, wanted to know about the state of linux there. so do a search: " linux ssh" (since a good shell is the point, where you can start developing). Turns out, the first 3 pages want to sell me the same thing I already own, with one outlier selling nutritional supplements. Oh well done AI!

It’s doing exactly as it’s trained. Nudge the useds to buy more trinkets.

Now just imagine how good it could be if it was being trained to actually give good search results instead of selling.

Unfortunately, Google Search (and Amazon and MS search and all three companies' assistants) doesn't work that well when it comes to selling you what you want to buy either:


But it sure can identify stripes.