What does HackerNews think of Redirector?

Browser extension (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Edge) to redirect urls based on regex patterns, like a client side mod_rewrite.

Language: JavaScript

I try to avoid the site as much as possible but I have a redirection rule to go to a Nitter instance in case I end up clicking on a link. The Nitter UI is nicer too and works fine without JS.


https://git.sr.ht/~edwardloveall/scribe made the occasional consumption of medium content a decent experience for me.

Pick an instance (or selfhost) and set your browser up to automatically redirect to it. https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector and https://libredirect.codeberg.page/source_code are good options.

I'm not yet convinced Augmented Reality has proved its case for people and that AR is chasing big numbers and companies without showing what they would actually use it for every day.

I will give Magic Leap some credit on their marketing for the article link in that they show some persons in non-office settings such as laboratories and what presumably are hospital settings.

But for me what's missing is seeing it actually used productively by the persons or testimonial stories about how AR integrates into their workflow.

People are resistant to change even within the face of pretty cool technology. I would position many people don't know what they want to improve their workflow and can only define such wants as complaints about the current workflow. That's my experience working with customers where they have a complaint but just don't know what to search for to see if there's a solution.

To show how I think this should work, when I add a new tool to my workflow usually I can pinpoint exactly what I don't like about something and I have specific terms that help me find it. For example, my org uses Teams, and Teams is unfortunately linked by the hip to Sharepoint which I cannot stand. There are many reasons for this, but the biggest issue is that Sharepoint tries to load everything in-browser, even if it cannot. Eventually it will show you a download link, and for the content I am working with, I don't want Sharepoint to try to load it, I just want to download the file and use the appropriate app to work with it. In business rules, I want all Sharepoint links to automatically convert to download links.

Armed with this, I could search for browser extensions to redirect links to another link, and I found Redirector: https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector I cannot sing the praises of this tool enough, and it saves me tons of clicking and waiting by letting me write rules to handle specific link formations and redirect them to another. It was a perfect fit because I could _describe my annoyance_ and the preferred behavior, and armed with that, I could know whether a tool met my needs or not.

This is what is missing for me with AR. As someone in tech, I can describe a ton of my issues with daily workflows quite easily. I can define my problems and how I prefer it works. What I can't see is how AR helps me. Like many, I imagine that persons like technicians, mechanics, anyone who needs their hands available to work on complex hardware/items might benefit from AR, but what I don't see are testimonials from these people that some AR company demoed their product with them and found a way to make their workflow better. I'm not a mechanic; I can do basics with cars or house-hold appliances, but I'm not a professional, and I imagine the AR companies out there aren't either. Why there aren't field tests with discussions and interviews with the proposed target audience for AR is beyond me.

Instead I see people in offices on conference calls, I see random stock photos of people in lab outfits, and I see marketing copy telling me that AR is limited just by my imagination. Thing is I can imagine quite a lot, and I don't see proof AR can do any of it.

If AR has a product ready for betas, this needs to be in the hands of people who might actually use it and developing case studies. The technology is interesting, I'm not denying that, but I want to read stories about actual use cases and testimony from someone who honestly feels "this made my life better." Until that happens, I'm not confident AR is going to take off in a meaningful way for work related purposes instead of recreational.

I've been using this[0] which works with regex patterns. It doesn't work on Firefox mobile, but then neither does OP's extension.

0: https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector

https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector - I prefer it over Libredirect too as it can replace other Addons. Alternative frontends is not a surprising development, as the "web today" has gotten quite user hostile.

Last I checked it hasn't got a list of rules to be imported to get you started, here are mine - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sFBptpgGRX/

I just use a custom regex with the Redirector extension for searching in any subreddit.


Yes, there are: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter

Here is a public instance: https://nitter.kavin.rocks/

Just swap out `nitter.kavin.rocks` for `twitter.com` and you can visit every tweet with a clean and fast interface. You can also automate this with the Redirector browser extension: https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector

Probably the most underrated software I use daily are some of my Firefox extensions.

https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector redirects my YouTube, Google, Twitter and Reddit links to privacy friendly frontends (i.e. Invidious, Startpage, Nitter and Libreddit).

https://github.com/proginosko/LeechBlockNG helps me staying away from time sinks on the internet during the day.

On the development side I use...

https://github.com/aaronvegh/nsregextester as my tried and true tool for regex debugging.

https://github.com/mhutchie/vscode-git-graph turns VSCode into a marvelous Git GUI.

But I can't type in the browser bar than right? hmm

edit: uh oh, i see: "With the use of bangin-server-node it is possible to use bangin as the search engine in your web browser. "

I'm about 90% there already with other hacks, just stuck to having + signs instead of spaces :)

My ridiculous way:

- https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector

- some local-host open-search plugin meant for self hosted searx. Adds a bunch of junk parameters but searches on localhost:8888/q=SEARCHTEAM%morecrap

- set it to my default search

- some redicoulous regex trying to catch the search term after the bang !z


- same without the bang for fallback redirecting to duckduckgo