There is duckduckgo bangs which has over 13000 custom site searches [1]. Also, you can write your own complex regex based replacements using Redirector [2] - the potentials are infinite!



Thanks for pointing out bangs, it's definitely a good product too. I do think Jumprope has a couple legs up:

You can create your own shortcuts at without needing to submit them to ddg for approval

You can also do alias commands - for example I set it up so "prs" opens me github pull requests page for example and "zm" opens the company zoom link

but yes looks like bangs has some cool regex manipulation but hopefully Jumprope is easier to get started with.

if you could make it work offline that would be a big plus

If you're willing to get your hands a little dirty you may like bangin:

But I can't type in the browser bar than right? hmm

edit: uh oh, i see: "With the use of bangin-server-node it is possible to use bangin as the search engine in your web browser. "

I'm about 90% there already with other hacks, just stuck to having + signs instead of spaces :)

My ridiculous way:


- some local-host open-search plugin meant for self hosted searx. Adds a bunch of junk parameters but searches on localhost:8888/q=SEARCHTEAM%morecrap

- set it to my default search

- some redicoulous regex trying to catch the search term after the bang !z


- same without the bang for fallback redirecting to duckduckgo