What does HackerNews think of compose?

Define and run multi-container applications with Docker

Language: Go

#48 in Docker
#70 in Go
#56 in Go
Well there are two things:

Compose, "the binary" [1]. It used to be "just" a Python helper script that called Docker, used to deploy multiple containers in a common network easily. It was rewrited in Go, and now it's kind of a plugin for Docker. I think it's strongly tied to Docker primitives, and wouldn't be that easy to modify it to work on different container orchestrators.

But there's also Compose "the file format" [2]. There are tools, like Kompose[3], that understand the Compose format, and can use it to deploy in Kubernetes.

  1: https://github.com/docker/compose
  2: https://compose-spec.io/
  3: https://kompose.io/
> Docker compose is a dead end AFAIK ..

What? I'm not involved and don't follow closely but pretty sure it's about as dead as docker itself. I.e. not dead. There was commits 8hrs ago -- https://github.com/docker/compose/. Not sure who did that if not "the community".

I started with Don Libes' classic book on Tcl/Expect[1] and am moving on to the 3rd edition of Clif Flynt's book[2].

Someone in #tcl on Freenode suggested that this set of essays would be a good resource for exploring some of the new/er features in Tcl.

I'm experimenting with using Tcl as a basis for rapid prototyping and testing[4] of services and service compositions built with docker and docker-compose[5].

It would be awesome if O'Reilly would consider making Exploring Expect[1] an Open Book[3] – it's an "oldie but goodie"!

[1] http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781565920903.do

[2] http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780123847171.do

[3] http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/

[4] http://caiusproject.com/

[5] https://github.com/docker/compose