Docker compose is a dead end AFAIK, it's not deprecated or anything, but the community power behind it has essentially moved to other things (Kubernetes, but also wasmer, nomad, skaffold).

While Docker Desktop / Podman / Rancher Desktop combined with stuff like Skaffold aren't exactly a drop-in replacement for docker-compose, it does do a much better job at bringing up and tearing down entire compositions while re-using existing packaging and access controls.

If you are running docker-compose for non-development things, it might be a different story; it might be suitable for non-GitOps things, but as posted elsewhere, at that point you're better off using something like systemd.

When composing really small setups I either do this with a shell script (think 10 lines including trapping exits) or a systemd unit. Whenever it needs to be bigger I nearly always end up with an actual scheduler (K8S, Nomad) and GitOps because you can't really deliver something maintainable, available and durable anymore without it (well... I suppose if you have only 1 project to deliver, forever, you could manually manage it).

It does get a whole lot easier when you have a common foundation you can re-use. Spinning up an entire stack with security, monitoring, alerting, automatic rollouts/rollbacks for even the smallest project is just single-digit minutes work now.

Pulling in some other factors: how sharable/collaboratable is something these days if it is not built on similar enough technologies and modules? A solo yolo project might not care much about this, but when was the last time someone asked for software that is risky and not durable?

> Docker compose is a dead end AFAIK ..

What? I'm not involved and don't follow closely but pretty sure it's about as dead as docker itself. I.e. not dead. There was commits 8hrs ago -- Not sure who did that if not "the community".