What does HackerNews think of thumb-key?
A privacy-conscious Android keyboard made for your thumbs
See this, it has the T9 input method too:
Wholeheartedly agree with the author but don't think he's radical enough about solutions.
Thumb-key takes a radical approach, and I've watched someone who has become comptetent at it (which i haven't) type elegantly on it.
But I always wonder why noone has tried building a hardware chord keyboard for a phone. It seems perfectly suited.
Oh phone, I would suggest a change to a different input method entirely. I used Messagease for years, and I've switched to Thumb-Key now, https://github.com/dessalines/thumb-key (same concept, just Open Source and maintained).
My thinking is that if you throw a full keyboard on a tiny screen, and remove actual physical keys, layout is besides the point. You've already gone wrong in a way that layout cannot fix.