Amusingly, I just made the swap on my phone to be Colemak everywhere. :D

I'm curious on if it really matters. I made the switch for the same reason I would go between left and right handed mice. Mostly just to keep interested. And to see if I could. I've been happy with it, may change again soon. Not sure. That said, I have not focused on building speed up. Maybe if I was to try that more, I would care. I find as soon as I'm at 60wpm, I am at the point that I am not limited by typing at all.

Oh phone, I would suggest a change to a different input method entirely. I used Messagease for years, and I've switched to Thumb-Key now, (same concept, just Open Source and maintained).

My thinking is that if you throw a full keyboard on a tiny screen, and remove actual physical keys, layout is besides the point. You've already gone wrong in a way that layout cannot fix.