What does HackerNews think of cloudbeaver?

Cloud Database Manager

Language: TypeScript

#37 in Database
#2 in Database
#3 in Web app
Hi, author of litexplore here!

I agree remote management is the "least convenient" aspect of SQLite. If you have control over the remote VM where the DB is hosted, you can also run something like ClouDBeaver[0], Datasette[1] or sqlite-web[2] as a Docker container, then connect to it from your laptop.

The reason I wrote litexplore was that those approaches require exposing extra ports, managing authentication, etc. With litexplore, you just need the sqlite3 CLI (compiled with the JSON1 extension) installed in the VM and a way to access it over SSH.

litexplore is still in early stages and I have some updates planned in the following 2 months, but the basics are working.

[0]: https://github.com/dbeaver/cloudbeaver [1]: https://datasette.io/ [2]: https://github.com/coleifer/sqlite-web

CloudBeaver works great for me, though I'm not doing anything intense.
