Whenever SQLite comes up, always have to link to this post about using SQLite in production: https://blog.wesleyac.com/posts/consider-sqlite :)

I'm running https://extensionpay.com off SQLite and a $5/month DigitalOcean box and it's serving around 3 million requests a month with absolutely no issues and seriously low CPU load. I'm kind of astonished, frankly.

Hi. What tool do you use to access production database remotely? Say you need to browse some data, perform queries. Is there something like pgAdmin?

I'm interested in SQLite and I'd like yo know more.

Copying and pasting my answer from another subthread:

I just scp the whole database to my local machine and use "db Browser for SQLite" (a mac app) :)

Would love to hear if there are other server-based db browsers for SQLite, though.

CloudBeaver works great for me, though I'm not doing anything intense.
