What does HackerNews think of dagre?

:no_entry: [DEPRECATED] - Directed graph layout for JavaScript

Language: JavaScript

The issue I have with a lot of these tools is they work fine when depicting relationships between tables in the same schema (talking mainly about PostgreSQL databases), but few support showing relationships between tables across different schemas.

Also, when the number of tables grows large, few have layouts arranged in an optimal way. I use D2 (https://d2lang.com/) to create ERDs. However, of the free layout engines available in D2, Dagre (https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre) and ELK (https://github.com/eclipse/elk) both don't have optimal placement of layouts for a sufficiently complicated database.

Terrastruct engineer here. The visualization will be open source though I can't say for sure yet whether it'll be with our layout algorithm or with https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre.
Nice. One suggestion: Automatically position the nodes. There are algorithms for this, like dagre[1]. That would also mean you could let people create connections by dragging from one node to another, rather then having a special handle to make connections.

[1]: https://github.com/dagrejs/dagre