What does HackerNews think of cowrie?

Cowrie SSH/Telnet Honeypot https://cowrie.readthedocs.io

Language: Python

#47 in Security
The top of the readme for that repo advises to use the fork: https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie
Cool, thanks. I found https://blog.thinkst.com/p/canarytokensorg-quick-free-detect... is there a better writeup you have offhand? https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie has been on my todo list for a while too, but more as a toy than a serious thing.

> The networks I'm describing aren't "ideal" or "highly secured". I am describing table stakes. While I was at Latacora, most of the clients we engaged with were already at this level of maturity when we joined up.

One of the most valuable things you do here is describe things that you believe are table stakes to people and organizations that have never heard of them. Companies like Latacora tend to self-select for clients that are at least aware that security should be a sensible line item in their quarterly budget. There are many many more organizations for whom moving ssh or even port knocking amount to a real improvement to their infrastructure. :-(

Cowrie [0] provides an SFTP and Telnet honeypot and you can configure the filesystem to serve your desired files. Not quite a passthrough for legitimate use, unfortunately

[0]: https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie