I've been in this business for a long, long time and have come across all manner of innovations regarding network security.

Port knocking (which I think I learned about first at defcon ... perhaps 18 years ago ?) stands out as one of the very few things that made my network(s) substantially safer at nearly zero cost. I love, and continue to love, both the idea and the implementation.

Pay no attention to the nay-sayers and their comical straw-man argument against deploying port knocking by itself. Of course it's not deployed by itself - it is the last layer of defense-in-depth on top of all the other authentication methods you may be doing.

The substantive critique is that you add some amount of complication to your network and introduce a point of failure with knockd - and that is correct. I am happy to report that 15+ years of knockd in production use, all over the world, has produced exactly zero lock-outs or unintentional self-DoS.

What is your conclusion that port knocking has made your network substantially safer based on? Just curious how you measure the effectiveness of something like this.

from personal experience, simply moving ssh off of port 22 cuts your drive-by log noise by 99.9%, which makes auditing clean logs much much easier.

failed login attempts with ssh on 22: hundreds per week, after: 0. i imagine with knockd it would go negative.

Wouldn't a reasonable rebuttal be that the log filtering rule that discards these failed login attempts would accomplish the same security goal, with less mechanism?

i prefer knowing that nothing is happening rather than filtering things i dont like.

also, lots of people sing the praises of fail2ban, which needs to watch log files to operate, but you can get most of its utility by simply rate-limiting using iptables' session tracking without any additional mechanisms.


I can tell you right now what's happening and compress all those log records into a single record:

Every exposed 22/tcp on the Internet is being continuously exposed to automated SSH scanners running from thousands of points on the Internet. There is nothing you can reasonably do to prevent it (the sources are so diverse you couldn't even realistically block a determined scanner), and, if you've turned off password authentication --- which you must do anyways --- the probes aren't a meaningful threat.

From a systems-administration standpoint, it's nice to be able to easily sift out the random bots and drive-bys from the more personal probes that maybe have a human at the other end.

There are myriad bits and bobs of software and services that promise to do anomaly detection in logs, but an easier approach for now is to just move ssh off 22. It affords basically zero extra real security but makes any subsequent login attempts more worthwhile to look at.

Let me gently challenge you: you've moved SSH to 7163/tcp. You see a pattern of login attempts. Now what, and why?

Sure. Direct answer: search logs across all services and nodes on the network for activity from that source or netrange. See if it's targeting particular usernames, especially anything that shouldn't be guessable. Treat it first as a source of information: did I screw something up somewhere? Have we had an incident I don't know about? If it looks like nothingburger, ignore it and get on with the day.

Broader answer after reading some of your other comments in this thread: in your ideal, highly secured network environment, none of this is necessary because everything's wired up tighter than a gnat's ass hole. Unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of working for one of those places.

I guess that's fair. But: if you buy into this idea, there's a much, much better thing to do: look into Canarytokens. Canarytokens, unlike port knocking, are criminally underused. Really, you should do something similar for your off-port SSH service; don't actually _run_ SSH there, just run a stateless unprivileged service that spoofs a bit of SSH protocol and generates loud alerts.

The networks I'm describing aren't "ideal" or "highly secured". I am describing table stakes. While I was at Latacora, most of the clients we engaged with were already at this level of maturity when we joined up.

Cool, thanks. I found https://blog.thinkst.com/p/canarytokensorg-quick-free-detect... is there a better writeup you have offhand? https://github.com/cowrie/cowrie has been on my todo list for a while too, but more as a toy than a serious thing.

> The networks I'm describing aren't "ideal" or "highly secured". I am describing table stakes. While I was at Latacora, most of the clients we engaged with were already at this level of maturity when we joined up.

One of the most valuable things you do here is describe things that you believe are table stakes to people and organizations that have never heard of them. Companies like Latacora tend to self-select for clients that are at least aware that security should be a sensible line item in their quarterly budget. There are many many more organizations for whom moving ssh or even port knocking amount to a real improvement to their infrastructure. :-(