What does HackerNews think of ankiTab?

Browser extension that replaces the new tab page with Anki flashcards

Language: JavaScript

I generally agree - a new tab should, for the most part, be distraction-free.

However, with some cleverness, you can add content to the new tab page that adds value - e.g. AnkiTab (https://github.com/corollari/ankiTab) to help you review your decks. Sure, it's a minor distraction, but it's time-bounded (unlike a news feed), and theoretically it's a net gain if your decks contain knowledge that's genuinely useful to you.

I'm also a fan of Anki, I never create cards on mobile (though review them almost exclusively there), but from desktop you can check out https://github.com/MFreidank/AnkiVim and https://metacpan.org/pod/Anki::Import. Raw cards are just text, and you can create them with any editor. https://github.com/corollari/ankiTab is also awesome for reviewing.

If you want more theory about Anki / Spaced repetition, https://www.gwern.net/Spaced-repetition is the ultimate resource on topic

A few months ago I built a Chrome extension that replaces the new tab page with an anki window, in an attempt to improve my browsing habits and it seems people overall are finding it useful so far,

You can find the source code and links to the web store listings in https://github.com/corollari/ankiTab

About a week ago I developed a browser plugin for chrome and firefox which replaces the new tab page with anki flashcards to review. The idea is that with it, each time I open a new tab I will review a few cards, thus making it more lightweight than an hour-long anki session. If anyone is interested the code (licensed under The Unlicense) and links to the web stores can be found at https://github.com/corollari/ankiTab Note: In order for it to work you need to be logged in ankiweb.net