You can check out Anki[1]. Apart from the initial setup, you won't have to worry about taking care of the web server.

I create separate decks for different fields and then only if necessary do I create subdecks. I also tag all the cards that I create and make sure to spend a lot of time to ensure that it's made and tagged properly. So, whenever I learn something new and I believe at that point of time that it's worth remembering, I create a card for that.


I love anki, and I love this use of it, but how do you quickly make cards? Especially on mobile?

I'm also a fan of Anki, I never create cards on mobile (though review them almost exclusively there), but from desktop you can check out and Raw cards are just text, and you can create them with any editor. is also awesome for reviewing.

If you want more theory about Anki / Spaced repetition, is the ultimate resource on topic