What does HackerNews think of chat-with-gpt?

An open-source ChatGPT app with a voice

Language: TypeScript

We've been using https://github.com/cogentapps/chat-with-gpt for a while, and overall happy with it, but its development is mostly dead.
Check out alternatives like ChatWithGPT[0] or just the OpenAI chat playground[1], especially if you've gotten access to the GPT4 API. Populating the system message really makes a difference and you can enforce a lot of style of both code and output. The third party UIs also have a lot more bells and whistles.

[0] https://github.com/cogentapps/chat-with-gpt

[1] https://platform.openai.com/playground?mode=chat

Chat-with-gpt has that, we use it in our org as an alternative chatgpt Interface: https://github.com/cogentapps/chat-with-gpt
I've been using this self-hosted UI that was posted a couple of days ago: https://github.com/cogentapps/chat-with-gpt. The API is still fully functional.