What does HackerNews think of chihaya?

A customizable, multi-protocol BitTorrent Tracker

Language: Go

I'm flattered. If you like the Torus style, https://github.com/coreos/go-tcmu is a package I'm quite proud of (SCSI interactions wrapped in a nice pure-Go interface) and then a plug for https://github.com/cayleygraph/cayley which is a little rougher but a nice community and large codebase I maintain.

Bolt (also here mentioned) is one of my favorite beautiful codebases. https://github.com/mdlayher is a prolific author with lots of good protocol implementations. https://github.com/chihaya/chihaya is a fun project if you're into BitTorrent.

This looks pretty neat. I've been using qBittorrent on Windows, but it doesn't really support bulk operations, so I've been writing Python scripts[0] to accomplish what I need. Please, cater to the users that need to idle with tons of torrents open all the time and make it easy to import/export the current state of the torrents loaded into client.

Also, shameless plug -- I work on an open source BitTorrent tracker[1] that was adopted by Facebook for deploying their server software and have been playing around with a framework for writing tracker logic via middleware[2]. If you want to talk about any of the client <> tracker interactions, I'm totally down for discussion.

[0]: https://github.com/jzelinskie/move_torrents.py

[1]: https://github.com/chihaya/chihaya

[2]: https://github.com/jzelinskie/otoshi

Have a look at https://github.com/chihaya/chihaya

TF run an article about it fairly recently. http://torrentfreak.com/private-anime-torrent-tracker-became...

I posted it here on HN before but it got no interest.