What does HackerNews think of hypher?

A fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine

Language: JavaScript

I think it’s already possible to get some of the way there on the web today (having fine-grained control and avoiding Walde-r’s). Check out Hypher (https://github.com/bramstein/hypher). If you’re using Gatsby and Markdown, I wrote a small plugin to be able to use it there:




(An example of how it looks like: https://siawyoung.com)

yes, so as a general rule for any publishing scenario where hyphenation is important you have an automated solution, for example for a small company / single person you might set up something using https://github.com/bramstein/hypher or find a similar tool.

Also this tends to be sort of overkill for what most people want so - as with most tech - gotta evaluate if it's worth the time and effort.

The justified alignment looks sub-par in places, like in the middle of the first paragraph of the example pages. Flush left alignment normally is the better option, if you don't have a hyphenation engine.

Browser inserted Soft-Hyphens could fix this, but since they are language dependent browser support is spotty: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/hyphens#Sugges...

By itself most browsers can break soft-hyphens pretty reliable, but they have to be generated first: See https://github.com/mnater/Hyphenator or https://github.com/bramstein/hypher

Any plans to integrate soft hyphenation out of the box? This makes block layouts look so much nicer.



Also this tool shouldn't obfuscate the text content if not explicitly wanted, which in the days of captcha reading OCRs is a desperate measure anyways and doesn't add to the accessibility of the page. Please add the rendered text in the alt attribute of the canvas by default. Or even better make it degrade gracefully to proper HTML by using some CSS replacement technique linking to the dataURL of the dynamically created off-screen canvas image.

See HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL()

I agree, hyphenation is crucial to proper line breaking. If you don't mind a JavaScript solution you can have a look at:

* http://code.google.com/p/hyphenator/ * https://github.com/bramstein/hypher/