"HTML and CSS 2 do not have any provision for automatic hyphenation and current Web browsers support, even for manual hyphenation, is poor.
So don’t justify text on the web."
I've been waiting for this to be fixed since 1997. I suspect it is a very difficult problem to get right. My Kindle accidentally hyphenates things like "Walde-r" and "Lannister-s" (yes, I'm reading GoT again).
I think it’s already possible to get some of the way there on the web today (having fine-grained control and avoiding Walde-r’s). Check out Hypher (https://github.com/bramstein/hypher). If you’re using Gatsby and Markdown, I wrote a small plugin to be able to use it there:
(An example of how it looks like: https://siawyoung.com)