What does HackerNews think of beartype?

Unbearably fast near-real-time hybrid runtime-static type-checking in pure Python.

Language: Python

#16 in Python
Hard agreed here. Combined with the language's poor packaging landscape, I've been finding python to be less and less productive as the team I'm on grows from 1 (me) to many. This includes using mypy religiously, always type-hinting, etc.

Many libraries just don't use them, or use them well and writing other sorts of code is harder. The language is differently adding better support for typing and generics, but I can't help but feel part of it is "too little too late".

Something like beartype is interesting: https://github.com/beartype/beartype , but at this point I'm more interested in languages like Rust, Nim, or even Kotlin (I'd add Go here as well, but it's language design ethos doesn't agree with me).


I wish more people started using Beartype, it makes Python bearable