Despite this:

> Even if the Python runtime did check all the type hints at runtime, then it would still be too late. I don’t want a fancy type exception at runtime. That already exists (most of the time). I want to know about type mismatches in advance.

You should check out Typeguard [1], which lets you add a @type_checked decorator to anything and get runtime type checking that's far better than e.g. a random blowup when you split() on an integer. It does introduce a significant amount of overhead, but it's still useful during development alongside type hints to avoid some of the pitfalls from this article.

In another vein, Any should definitely be used sparingly. For the foo() function outlined in the article, Union[str, int] offers more precision. In fact, you could even argue that using Any is a code smell.

Overall, though, I agree with most of the sentiment in this article. I find myself using type hints more as documentation than anything else, since their true ability to prevent type-related runtime bugs is very limited. Documentation has the same qualms the author outlines, anyway:

> You can not be sure that they are correct. [...] They waste mental energy when reading code, they create new maintenance burdens, and they are potentially deceiving: You cannot trust them.

But they're still slightly better than docstrings...


There's also bear-type for runtime type checking: