What does HackerNews think of jekyll-now?

Build a Jekyll blog in minutes, without touching the command line.

Language: CSS

I personally enjoy jekyll-now. It's super easy to use and you can deploy it in github (free): https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now

This is what my deployment looks like: https://badbird3.github.io/

I'd add to use Jekyll now (https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now) for a few more out-of-the box conveniences. Sadly, it's unmaintened, but the it gives a sufficient base as-is.
Linkable posts are always useful. If you are worried about the effort. Please have a look at the one that I own. https://ranvir.xyz/blog/.

The basic version, https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now

I also use the basic CMS, https://siteleaf.com to manage it.

You can just clone Jekyll Now: https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/ That gets you yourname.github.io instantly.

There is also https://habr.com , but there is always a risk that they go the way Medium went.

It's funny, because some years ago when Medium blogs were starting to be posted left and right, people were praising the interface, and nobody listened to the few who objected. Now, we need all kinds of tricks, add-ons and blocks to just read five-minute posts during our commute.

It's 2018, and there are a gazillion ways to get yourself in control of your stuff. The next free framework that comes, which promises a clean, non-distracting view, will also (most probably) eventually add advertisements, because, well, corporations need money.

In my humble opinion, just write your Markdown files, and use one of the bajillion Static Sites Generators to create/host them, or fork a framework that already does this such as [1], copy-paste them in, and you're set.

[1] https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now

Just to throw a few numpty options out there we have Wix, Wordpress.com, Blogger.

Then there is Github pages and some people have created template repositories that you can clone or fork that look rather nice and are easy to post content to if you just learn Markdown which takes five minutes

E.g. https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now

> write my ... journal using vim with markdown annotation and with embedded multimedia (screencaptures, mostly).

Are you asking for a WYSIWIG editor (one that shows you markdown and/or rendered html and pictures), or are you asking for a workflow where you dump some images in a folder and edit post.md, and link to images with markdown tags?

I don't (yet) actually need/use a blog - but just to see what I might be able to recommend others that ask, I had a look for stuff that works with github pages, and found Jekyll Now: https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now

I wouldn't say it's a great work-flow (there are gnarly bits with Jekyll, with using git, with hosting on github, with tweaking the themes...) -- but overall the out-of-box experience is good. It's not a WYSIWYG-happy-blog type situation, but it is a sane-defaults, not that-hard-if-you're prepared to install some things -- and crucially, it can run in a local "serve" mode that watches the filesystem for changes and gives a near-live preview:

   Local Development
   gem install github-pages
   # Clone down your fork
   git clone [email protected]:/.github.io.git
   # Serve the site and watch for markup/sass changes
   jekyll serve
I should note that "jekyll serve" is part of standard jekyll; so you don't have to use "Jekyll Now" by any means.

[edit: I should probably add that what I've actually been using myself lately is just IPython (for solving assignments in basic calculus and statistics). Sadly doesn't work with the "It's all text!"-plugin/external editor for vimperator as it doesn't use "plain" input-fields -- so if you do "real" writing, rather than just some code (and graphs generated from said code), you'll probably be better off with something more focused on the Markdown part, like Jekyll]