I don't get why devs work so hard on their project/tutorial, only to be lazy on the last step (publishing/announcement) and give away their content to be published on Medium.
It's very easy to roll out a Hugo/Jekyll/Zola static blog published for free on Github/Gitlab/Netlify. Then point it to your own domain name so you own your content and don't have to worry about what some 3rd party site does on top of your writing.
As someone who went through the whole thing just recently [1], it is a respectable opinion, but at the same time, it will eat your afternoon.
Every step is very straightforward individually (configure Jekyll, set up Netlify, buy a domain), but the sum of the parts is still a considerable time sink if it isn't what you do for bread and butter. I know I configured DNS records in uni networking class many years ago, doesn't mean I remember the slightest of it.
The friction obviously goes down if you've already gone through the process before, but if you're simply looking to get your voice out there, it can be very tempting to use a packaged solution. Medium simply has a big name, so that's what a lot of people default to.
There is also https://habr.com , but there is always a risk that they go the way Medium went.