What does HackerNews think of chalice?

Python Serverless Microframework for AWS

Language: Python

#45 in Python
#2 in Python
#4 in Serverless
Using their Python library called chalice was really easy to make cron style lambdas in Python in my experience. https://github.com/aws/chalice
Not Django, but AWS has a product focusing on this - Chalice https://github.com/aws/chalice
You can easily do this with AWS Lambda and the boto3 library. You get logging, metrics and alerting if you want too. AWS has a generous free tier.

For python devs, this is a great framework to easily create and deploy them - https://github.com/aws/chalice.

AWS Lambdas are an easy way to get scheduled scraping jobs running.

I use their Python-based chalice framework (https://github.com/aws/chalice) which allows you to add a decorator to a method for a schedule,

  @app.schedule(Rate(30, unit=Rate.MINUTES)) 
It's also a breeze to deploy.

  chalice deploy
(Python) AWS chalice (https://github.com/aws/chalice). Nice wrapper for lambda that lets you write "Flask" like routes.
For Python based Lambda REST API development, check out Chalice: https://github.com/aws/chalice/

Very Flask like and includes CLI components to automate deployment. Even includes simple decorator based event mapping for S3, SQS, scheduled tasks, etc.

Thank you. The front end is hosted with Netlify and the back end uses Chalice: https://github.com/aws/chalice It also uses Chrome Puppeteer for scraping.

Chalice is super awesome. I'm planning to write a blog post on the tech.

For the record, you can easily abstract that away or include it in your own code with frameworks like Chalice [0]

[0] https://github.com/aws/chalice

If you are frustrated by the complexity of packaging Python-based Lambda applications, I highly recommend checking out Chalice: https://github.com/aws/chalice. It's very well engineered and drastically simplifies the process (for example, it handles pre-built wheels properly, so you can cross-compile your Lambda (build and deploy it from a Mac, etc).

Actually, we just open-sourced a template for using Lambda with Chalice and Terraform that automates this and many other relevant steps: https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/chalice-app-template. It's not 100% directly applicable to this use case yet, because SAM/CloudFormation templates don't have a good way to manage bucket event subscriptions. But domovoi (https://github.com/kislyuk/domovoi) can manage S3 event subscriptions (direct or bridged through SNS, SQS, or SNS-SQS) in an idempotent declarative (non-IaC) process.

AWS provides their own "Python Serverless Microframework for AWS" called Chalice: https://github.com/aws/chalice

I have yet to deploy a production service with it, but the development experience has been positive.

That was interesting. Two questions:

1) Is there a problem with python, or a problem with flask? Isn't this what chalice is for? https://github.com/aws/chalice

2) How are you dealing with cold starts?

I learned stuff from this post, but I would have learned more with some background about the workload etc so I could reason about what generalizes and what doesn't.