What does HackerNews think of arrow?

Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing

Language: C++

The CSV parser for [Perspective](https://github.com/finos/perspective) uses the [Apache Arrow](https://github.com/apache/arrow) C++ CSV parser compiled to WASM. It's not currently multi-threaded but this is possible as well to my understanding.
Worker should really adopt Apache Arrow, which has a much bigger ecosystem.


Not sure this exactly helps you with your question, but check out Observable Notebooks (https://beta.observablehq.com/). It's by Mike Bostock who wrote D3 (which people use to handle large data sets frequently).

A quick search brought me here(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30610675/python-pandas-e...) and here (https://stratodem.github.io/pandas.js-docs/#introduction)— not sure pandas-js is maintained any longer, though.

edit: In that SO question, there's a pointer to Apache Arrow which appears to be maintained more regularly, with types—and library support for multiple languages. Never used it, myself, though.


I usually watch the Apache projects.

Apache Arrow (https://github.com/apache/arrow/) is very interesting and promising project. It is in early state; you can watch the design decisions taken and how they are implemented. Plus it is multi-language project, you can find code in C++, Java and Python.

To be fair this isn't the best UI for git. We were waiting for the mirror to Github to be set up, so we decided to just include the link to the Apache git repo UI to be safe the link was live when the press announcements went out.

The Github mirror is now live, you can see it here: https://github.com/apache/arrow